Frequently asked questions about Android developers

Saba Jamshaid
2 min readDec 22, 2020


What skills should you have to be an android developer?

There are many skills that you should know to be an android developer but we will only focus on the essential one’s.

  • Android SDK

The Android SDK (software development kit) are the java code parts that allow developers to use mobile functions like a camera. We know its principal part as Gradle, that is basically a library.

  • APIS

It is a programming interface that provides operations with the description of how they work. The developer can use these operations in his application. He doesn’t need to know how these operations work. But need to know that the operation exists in his application.

  • Material design

Material design is a set of guidelines and standards of forward thinking interface. Google suggests android developers to utilize these standards as a base for their own interface.

  • Android studio

It is a combined growth habitat for google’s system of operating android. They chiefly design it for android development. And is built on a software known as JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA.

  • XML

It is a markup language that explains rules for encoding document in a form readable by both machines and humans.

  • JAVA

All android development lies with in JAVA. Java is a programming language just like Ruby and JavaScript, which handles data-types and is object-oriented.

Is there any demand for android developers?

As an Android developer, you can make a very decent income, build a rewarding career and enhance your growth as a skilled android developer. Android is a operating system that is always in demand and increases the value of android developers.

In how many years you can be an android developer?

There are many ways to learn software development. For this, you can enroll into a course of minimum 2.5 years (or less) as it is a field that requires time. With a traditional degree program, it will take almost 6 years.



Saba Jamshaid

Hey! This is Saba, freelance content writer from Pakistan.